

Critical analysis of the poem “The Rebel” by “Daud Kamal”

                                  Introduction to Pakistani




Name: Rabia Khan                      

  Class: MA 3C



Topic: Critical analysis of the poem “The Rebel” by “Daud Kamal”.



Duad Kamal is one of the most known writers of Pakistan and Pakistani literature. His writing style is very direct means that his expression is conveyed indirect language. The main themes in his writings are the essence of rural and rustic life. His writings convey a sense of loss and spiritual displacement in the face of violence.

The poem The Rebel is the poem that reflects the picture of how a person who chooses to be different from society is punished or held accountable. Kamal being an imagist has very vividly presented the imagery of suffering and loss. The words used in the poem like “orchard and dawn” symbolize progress and hope. On the other hand the words like “crow and empty horizon” symbolize death and loss of hope.

                                  Actually, the main point that Duad Kamal has raised in the poem is that a person who has a unique point of view or one who stands against all the odds is considered by society as a rebellious person. They take his stance in a negative way rather than taking it in a way that whatever he is doing can bring a positive change. Or that the stance he is taking is against the foul or unjust rules. The poet in the poem sympathizes with the rebel because according to him he is held accountable despite knowing his perspective.

Another important point that Kamal points out is that mere prayers cannot change situations or unjust perspectives. Unity can change everything that is when people join hands and come with harmony against any strong tyrant then nothing can stop them from turning the tables. In the end, the poet says the words the blind earth must be fed, here he means that people should be given an array of hope and that hope comes when a person stands up against the evils of the corrupt mafias. When people make a choice to change the circumstances then they can turn any big tide or any obstacle blocking the way.

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